Fall Has Arrived...

It is apparent all around us; the leaves are changing, the nights are cooler and the farm is changing quickly!  We got our first frost last week which means the end to some of the veggies outside.  we yanked all the cucumbers, beans and squash.
The big garden looks pretty empty
In the hoop houses the tomatoes are still doing alright.  You can see that are starting to get blight and really slowing down.  We also yanked the eggplants in the other hoop house.

Even though summer is ending, we still have SOUP!  We have already had some really nice soup weather and I am very anxious for more to come. The CSA will be receiving lots of ingredients for some hearty soups this week.  So make sure you make some and put it in the freezer for February when you really need some hot soup. I made a great Chicken tortilla soup last night.